battalion n. 1.【军事】营,大队;营部。 2.〔pl.〕 大军,部队;一大群人,一大批物品。 battalions of bureaucrats 一大群官僚。
engineer n. 1.技师;工程师。 2.机械设计者,机车制造人。 3.(轮船的)机师;〔美国〕(火车的)司机;驾驶员。 4.(海军的)轮机军官;(陆军的)工兵。 a civil engineer 土木工程师。 a naval [marine] engineer 造船工程师。 a chief engineer 1. 总工程师。 2. 轮机长。 a first engineer 一级机工。 a student engineer 见习技术员。 the Corps of E-s 工兵部队。 the Royal E-s 〔英国〕皇家工兵。 engineer in charge 主管工程师。 engineer in chief 总工程师。 vt. 1.设计,监督(工程等)。 2.操纵。 3.图谋,策划,策动。 vi. 做工程师。
An aviation engineering battalion cleared the right - of - way 100 feet wide , and other units graded sections of 10 to 15 miles 一个航空工程营清理出一条30米宽的公路用地,其他施工队各将16至24公里的路段整平。
An avi - tion engineering battalion cleared the right - of - way 100 feet wide , and other units graded sections of 10 to 15 miles 一个航空工程营清理出一条30米宽的公路用地,其他施工队各将16至24公里的路段整平。
As a result of the heavy partisan actions against the german lines in 1943 , the slovak 12th engineer battalion was sent to the rear area of army group south where it took part in vital rail repair operations to fix lines cut by the soviet partisans 1943年,由于苏联游击队频繁的袭击德军防线,斯洛伐克第12工兵营被派往集团军群后方,参与了维修被苏联游击队破坏了的重要铁路的行动。
In addition to japan s military contribution in support of oef , the jsdf will deploy a 700 - member engineer battalion to east timor in march 2002 , and will continue to provide a 45 - man transportation unit as part of the golan heights un disengagement observer force 布莱尔海军上将说,在前沿部署和驻防的美国太平洋司令部部队“正在对促进美国在亚太地区的安全与和平发展中的利益起重要作用” 。